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Tangent128/luasdl2 - A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT. raphydaphy/Q-Operating-System - Q OS is a versatile operating system designed with the new features of 64 bit "long mode" CPU's in mind that focuses on making everything as simple as possible for the end user
It's also not the place to report bugs you see in any version of Jumbo other than the LATEST, from HERE! Thanks. SDL_net-1.2.8nb1 Small sample cross-platform networking library for SDL SDL_sound-1.0.3nb6 SDL library to handle the decoding of different file formats SDL_ttf-2.0.11nb4 Use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications SDLmm-0.1.8nb7 C++ Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Layer SOGo-2.3.23nb18 Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV Download SDL Sasteroids for free. SDL Sasteroids is a rework of the original sasteroids game to allow it to run on modern systems.
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Tangent128/luasdl2 - A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT. raphydaphy/Q-Operating-System - Q OS is a versatile operating system designed with the new features of 64 bit "long mode" CPU's in mind that focuses on making everything as simple as possible for the end user The "bleeding-jumbo" branch (default) is based on 1.8.0-Jumbo-1 (but we are literally thousands of commits ahead of it). This is a bug tracker, not a support forum. It's also not the place to report bugs you see in any version of Jumbo other than the LATEST, from HERE! Thanks. SDL_net-1.2.8nb1 Small sample cross-platform networking library for SDL SDL_sound-1.0.3nb6 SDL library to handle the decoding of different file formats SDL_ttf-2.0.11nb4 Use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications SDLmm-0.1.8nb7 C++ Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Layer SOGo-2.3.23nb18 Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV Download SDL Sasteroids for free. SDL Sasteroids is a rework of the original sasteroids game to allow it to run on modern systems.
Tools; Release Info; Author ; Raw code; Permalink; Download
asfsm-1.0.p15_3-- File-system monitor for the AfterStep window manager asignify-1.0-- Yet another signify tool asio-1.10.6_7-- Cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming asis-2016_1-- GNAT implementation of Ada Semantic Interface Specification ask-2.5.3-- Anti Spam Killer content filtering
acctail: 2.0-2.1: Process Exit Accounting: acctail: 2.0-2.1: Process Exit Accounting: acctail-debuginfo: 2.0-2.1: Debug information for package acctail: acctail-debuginfo
In brief, structures were calculated using constraints from the chemical shifts of HN, Ha, Ca, Cb, and C 0 atoms, R 2 relaxation rates, 1 H-15 N RDC data, PRE distance data from MTSL-labeled K 2
[prev in list] [next in list] [prev in thread] [next in thread] List: fedora-test-list Subject: F-16 Branched report: 20110731 changes From: Branched Report
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asfsm-1.0.p15_3-- File-system monitor for the AfterStep window manager asignify-1.0-- Yet another signify tool asio-1.16.0-- Cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming asis-2016_1-- GNAT implementation of Ada Semantic Interface Specification ask-2.5.3-- Anti Spam Killer content filtering
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Search?. SHEVEK / Amethyst-1.00 / factpacks / Linux.fact . Tools; Release Info; Author ; Raw code; Permalink; Download
asfsm-1.0.p15_3-- File-system monitor for the AfterStep window manager asignify-1.0-- Yet another signify tool asio-1.10.6_7-- Cross-platform C++ library for network and low-level I/O programming asis-2016_1-- GNAT implementation of Ada Semantic Interface Specification ask-2.5.3-- Anti Spam Killer content filtering
acctail: 2.0-2.1: Process Exit Accounting: acctail: 2.0-2.1: Process Exit Accounting: acctail-debuginfo: 2.0-2.1: Debug information for package acctail: acctail-debuginfo
In brief, structures were calculated using constraints from the chemical shifts of HN, Ha, Ca, Cb, and C 0 atoms, R 2 relaxation rates, 1 H-15 N RDC data, PRE distance data from MTSL-labeled K 2
[prev in list] [next in list] [prev in thread] [next in thread] List: fedora-test-list Subject: F-16 Branched report: 20110731 changes From: Branched Report
SDL Sasteroids is a rework of the original sasteroids game to allow it to run on modern systems. In addition to providing very similar gameplay to the original sasteroids game, a few suprises and updates have been inserted to make it fun for old fans. Tangent128/luasdl2 - A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT. raphydaphy/Q-Operating-System - Q OS is a versatile operating system designed with the new features of 64 bit "long mode" CPU's in mind that focuses on making everything as simple as possible for the end user The "bleeding-jumbo" branch (default) is based on 1.8.0-Jumbo-1 (but we are literally thousands of commits ahead of it).
SDL_net-1.2.8nb1 Small sample cross-platform networking library for SDL SDL_sound-1.0.3nb6 SDL library to handle the decoding of different file formats SDL_ttf-2.0.11nb4 Use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications SDLmm-0.1.8nb7 C++ Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Layer SOGo-2.3.23nb18 Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV Download SDL Sasteroids for free. SDL Sasteroids is a rework of the original sasteroids game to allow it to run on modern systems. In addition to providing very similar gameplay to the original sasteroids game, a few suprises and updates have been inserted to make it fun for old fans. Tangent128/luasdl2 - A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT. raphydaphy/Q-Operating-System - Q OS is a versatile operating system designed with the new features of 64 bit "long mode" CPU's in mind that focuses on making everything as simple as possible for the end user The "bleeding-jumbo" branch (default) is based on 1.8.0-Jumbo-1 (but we are literally thousands of commits ahead of it). This is a bug tracker, not a support forum. It's also not the place to report bugs you see in any version of Jumbo other than the LATEST, from HERE!
SDL Sasteroids is a rework of the original sasteroids game to allow it to run on modern systems. In addition to providing very similar gameplay to the original sasteroids game, a few suprises and updates have been inserted to make it fun for old fans. Tangent128/luasdl2 - A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT. raphydaphy/Q-Operating-System - Q OS is a versatile operating system designed with the new features of 64 bit "long mode" CPU's in mind that focuses on making everything as simple as possible for the end user The "bleeding-jumbo" branch (default) is based on 1.8.0-Jumbo-1 (but we are literally thousands of commits ahead of it). This is a bug tracker, not a support forum. It's also not the place to report bugs you see in any version of Jumbo other than the LATEST, from HERE!
In addition to providing very similar gameplay to the original sasteroids game, a few suprises and updates have been inserted to make it fun for old fans. Tangent128/luasdl2 - A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT. raphydaphy/Q-Operating-System - Q OS is a versatile operating system designed with the new features of 64 bit "long mode" CPU's in mind that focuses on making everything as simple as possible for the end user The "bleeding-jumbo" branch (default) is based on 1.8.0-Jumbo-1 (but we are literally thousands of commits ahead of it). This is a bug tracker, not a support forum. It's also not the place to report bugs you see in any version of Jumbo other than the LATEST, from HERE! Thanks.
Thanks. SDL_net-1.2.8nb1 Small sample cross-platform networking library for SDL SDL_sound-1.0.3nb6 SDL library to handle the decoding of different file formats SDL_ttf-2.0.11nb4 Use TrueType fonts in your SDL applications SDLmm-0.1.8nb7 C++ Wrapper for the Simple DirectMedia Layer SOGo-2.3.23nb18 Groupware server supporting CalDAV, CardDAV and GroupDAV Download SDL Sasteroids for free. SDL Sasteroids is a rework of the original sasteroids game to allow it to run on modern systems. In addition to providing very similar gameplay to the original sasteroids game, a few suprises and updates have been inserted to make it fun for old fans. Tangent128/luasdl2 - A pure C binding of SDL 2.0 for Lua 5.1, Lua 5.2, and LuaJIT. raphydaphy/Q-Operating-System - Q OS is a versatile operating system designed with the new features of 64 bit "long mode" CPU's in mind that focuses on making everything as simple as possible for the end user The "bleeding-jumbo" branch (default) is based on 1.8.0-Jumbo-1 (but we are literally thousands of commits ahead of it).
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