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An award-winning team of journalists, designers, and videographers who tell brand stories through Fast Company's distinctive lens Here's a look at the top investors in Uber during their funding rounds. Uber Technologies has attracted its fair share of notable investors over the past 11 years, during which time it has raised more than $26 billion over 25 financing roun US ride-hailing company’s debut disappoints after shares fall below IPO price Uber’s debut disappoints after shares fall below IPO price, valuing the US ride-hailing app at significantly less than the $100bn it had hoped to achieve Falterin Today, the Texas Senate passed a ride-sharing bill detailing the provisions under which companies like Uber and Lyft can operate. The new bill, if signed into law by Governor Greg Abbott, could override an Austin rule that requires ride-hai It's like having an "easy button" for your small design, writing, and data-entry tasks that need to be finished quickly. Awarding excellence in company culture.
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