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THD 850 1100 1.5 Total Harmonic Distortion RL = 1kΩ 1400 1700 250-65 VOUT = 4V step 625 800 dB CONDITIONS Gain Peaking VOUT = 2Vp-p MHz 330 Large-Signal Bandwidth BWLS MAX4223/4/6/8 VOUT = 2V step RL = 100Ω MAX4223/5/6 MAX4223/5/6 2 µs 0.02 Turn-On Time from Shutdown tON Off Isolation SHDN = 0V, f = 10MHz, MAX4223/4/6/8 65 dB RL = 150Ω(Note
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Failure to follow the safety rules and other basic Workforce tile saws come with a one-year warranty; Chervon replaces defective motors without charge if the saw is under warranty. Advertisement Chervon sells replacement parts for the THD 850 Tile Saw, such as motors, washers, screws, frames, brackets and flanges. Where Can You Find a Replacement Motor for a Workforce THD The Husky THD750L is a compact tile saw suitable for homeowners who want to tackle a do-it-yourself tile project. The saw is small and lightweight, making it suitable for small bathroom and kitchen tile projects. THD 850 1100 1.5 Total Harmonic Distortion RL = 1kΩ 1400 1700 250-65 VOUT = 4V step 625 800 dB CONDITIONS Gain Peaking VOUT = 2Vp-p MHz 330 Large-Signal Bandwidth BWLS MAX4223/4/6/8 VOUT = 2V step RL = 100Ω MAX4223/5/6 MAX4223/5/6 2 µs 0.02 Turn-On Time from Shutdown tON Off Isolation SHDN = 0V, f = 10MHz, MAX4223/4/6/8 65 dB RL = 150Ω(Note IC37:专业IC行业平台. 专业IC领域供求交易平台:提供全面的IC Datasheet资料和资讯,Datasheet 1000万数据,IC品牌1000多家。 Find WorkForce Replacement Parts at RepairClinic.com.
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