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With AirPrint, it’s easy to deliver photo and document printing in your iOS apps and macOS apps without the need to download or install drivers. AirPrint is built into most popular printer models and offers a complete set of features, including full-quality output, automatic media selection, and enterprise-class finishing options. 本书面向新的iPhone开发人员,他们马上要开发实际项目,但面对着一个全新的SDK。虽然每位 程序员创建表格的目标和经验并不相同,但大多数人都需要在其开发工作中解决类似的任务:如何构建表格 ,如何创建安全的密钥链条目,如何搜索地址簿,如何在视图之间切换,以及如何使用Core Location。 仿简书分享:UIActivityViewController系统原生分享. 原文链接: 接下来介绍UIActivityViewController: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1. iOS 11 Swift Programming Cookbook.

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